InJavarevisitedbyVinicius MonteiroJava 17: What’s New, Removed and Preview in JDK 17A new API to replace Java Native Interface (JNI) and enhancements in switch expressions and statements (preview) are among the featuresSep 14, 20211Sep 14, 20211
InCodeXbyVinicius MonteiroAre Apache Struts and JavaServer Faces (JSF) Still Around?What’s the latest on these two front-end frameworks mostly used in the mid-to-late 2000sMay 30, 20212May 30, 20212
InJavarevisitedbyVinicius Monteiro3 Java Champions To Be Inspired By and What They Have in CommonThere are two attributes at the core of their achievementsApr 12, 2021Apr 12, 2021
InTDS ArchivebyVinicius MonteiroData Sonification with JFugue and SpringMVCBuild a service to play data in real-time using SpringMVC, JFugue and WebAudioFontNov 27, 2020Nov 27, 2020
InLevel Up CodingbyVinicius MonteiroThe Perfect Language is a Combination of Java and PythonWhat I’d choose from Java and Python to build my own programming languageFeb 7, 20217Feb 7, 20217
InJavarevisitedbyVinicius MonteiroDocument REST APIs with SpringDoc and Grommet SwaggerTutorial on how to integrate Grommet Swagger with SpringDoc/SpringFox as an alternative to Swagger UIFeb 9, 2021Feb 9, 2021
InJavarevisitedbyVinicius MonteiroHow to Nest Spring Boot ApplicationsWhere to place the web content, how to make controllers load automatically and how to export/import the application as a Maven dependencyFeb 7, 20211Feb 7, 20211
InJavarevisitedbyVinicius Monteiro2 Code Abstraction Mistakes Software Developers Must AvoidImpact on the developers that come in later is often overlookedDec 18, 2020Dec 18, 2020
InJavarevisitedbyVinicius MonteiroSpring Boot with Embedded Tomcat Pros and ConsZuul gateway and spring-boot-admin to the rescueNov 27, 20204Nov 27, 20204
InJavarevisitedbyVinicius MonteiroJava 17 New Features Coming in September 2021Java 17 is finally now available to the general publicApr 9, 2021Apr 9, 2021
InJavarevisitedbyVinicius MonteiroJava: Coding Style or Bad Practice?Analysis of different coding styles on whether they can be considered a bad practice or only a matter of preferenceNov 27, 20208Nov 27, 20208